Ahoy there, mateys! It be yer loveable App Pirate back from another swashbucklin’ adventure from the high seas! As I always say, as long as I got me pieces of eights I be dandy and ready to strike fear into the hearts of any buccaneer that dare cross me path! Aye, of course, I also got to take care of meself in order to run me ship well. This be possible with Medmory, a new app that tells me when to take me pills n’ herbs!
The App
With so many things going on in your daily life, you might miss out a few important details that you need to tend to. Work, bills, groceries and other obligations are just some things that you need to face every single day. However, you may have forgotten to take care of something that is even more important: taking your vitamins or medication.
In order to live a full life, you need to take care of yourself and be reminded when to take your pills. This is what Medmory can do for you. It is an app which will remind you what pill to take and when to take it. Here is the very last app you will ever need to tell you what you should be taking, how much of it and when. It does not matter where you are. It is like having your very own assistant reminding you what you need to do to take better care of your health.
Features and Benefits
Medmory has recently been updated in which various bugs and lacking features have been improved. Besides having the simple alert feature like an alarm clock, this app is fully customizable to suit your needs. For instance, you can set the alert tone individually depending on what you would need to take on a particular time. This is a great feature so that when you hear a specific tone, you will instantly be reminded that you need to take that specific pill in that moment.
You can also take a photo of the medicine you are taking so that when the alarm comes on, you will also be able to have a visual reminder of the pill you need to take as well. In the app, you can also set the number of pills you have per bottle. So, you will be able to see how much you have left before getting another prescription. Getting the hang of using the app is also a breeze, since there are tutorial videos in Medmory to help you get used to it.
One unique feature this app also has is its Passbook Savings Program, to help individuals get discounts on medication especially if they do not have any form of insurance. It is absolutely free and there are no hidden charges or memberships you need to sign up for.
Having Medmory as part of your apps list is essential in order to ensure that you will be able to get the most out of life. It is an app that is very easy to use, contains an interface that is simple and fully customizable. Best of all, it is for free to download.