If ye be followin’ I, the App Pirate, then ye must be familiar one of my close acquaintances, Barry Steakfries. While me and me crew lost track of him for a while, we did cross paths once more. Although, he was running as fast as lightnin’ and it seemed that he was chasin’ the demons of old legends once more. I respect the man, and even when he be only a salty dog on the sea, his skill with a flintlock and boundless energy in fighting was truly impressive and it was a sight to see. Which brings me once more to the Monster Dash review and Barry’s second foray unto the iOS phone device.
Runnin’ and Side Scrollin’ with a Lot of Shootin’
What seems to be a trend among good games lately is that thar be many shooters of flintlocks. Some do better than others, and the fact here is that the game market is very saturated with such game. Aye, but this is why the game sparkles in terms of mechanics, because everything is done well in this title. Like shiny golden trinkets that we raise from ship wrecks, this game is a sort of treasure among its peers. The main mechanic of the title is that ye are not in total control of Barry Steakfries, unlike his other adventure. You can tap each side of the screen to move him, but as when you do, there is no way to stop. Much like other runner games like Temple Run and Canabalt, your task is to ensure that Barry doesn’t meet an early grave.
Like other runners, your control is in how fast you can swipe at the screen to make him jump over certain obstacles. Of course, some of the obstacles are monsters and for that, Steakfries has his trusty blunderbuss, or as ye may know ’em, the shotgun. In fact, a lot of the fun that can be had in the game involves shooting and the responsive controls of the flintlocks and blunderbusses. As ye do start with the shotgun at first, as you go along and improve your score, you will be supplied a range of other weapons that ye can use to fight the monsters of the world. Probably the best stipulation is that it randomly changes each time you start a new game. At the same time, there is only one level which you have to score massive points on and once yer Barry fails, yer score is submitted to an online leader board. Arr, this may seem borin’ but it keeps you entertained every time you start a new game.
How Does Barry Look on his Second Adventure
Aye, once again Barry has to fight the monsters that plague each age, he be marooned in different times so you should expect once more that he be fightin’ mummies to zombies to vampires. All the little creatures in the game do look fine, and the pretty animation of movement is nice. The backgrounds also remind me of the times when I be stranded in strange cities as they are prettily made. However, ye do catch only the barest glimpse because what is ahead is more important to look at rather than what is behind. So far, the game be well designed one in terms of art.
Get it for the Fun
If ye be lookin’ for a title that doesn’t need ye to play for hours to get the most out of title, then Monster Dash is worth every penny it is worth. The game is also a worth the buy beyond just burstin’ gameplay because it’s just plain old fun. It doesn’t cater to just one type of player, it caters to everyone, as my crew is yet to let me have me iPhone after playing it for a few hours.