Avast ye mateys! A cat be on the prowl – a quantum cat that is. Har har har, this be your ol’ app pirate givin’ you a tug on yer belly with a light joke. Nah, there be no cat on the prowl but there be this mighty fine yet strange app called Quantum cat. I be thinkin’ that it might be high time to take a closer look at it.
It truly just gets stranger and stranger – the apps I mean. Aye, while we often see a whole bunch of rehashed themes for app, there are a few that be somewhat unique. And then there are those that are just completely weird. This new app Quantum Cat is one of those completely weird apps because it features a cat flying through space in a spacesuit. All throughout the adventure – and there be a lot what with 36 space regions to explore – you control the cat as he flies through space debris and other stranger than fiction obstacles floating around in the vast void.
It’s Free
So if the app is so strange, why in Thor’s breaches should you download and play it? Well, for starters, the app is totally free for iOS device owners. That, in itself, should be a more than justifiable reason to check it out, right? Quantum Cat is totally free, and you will be happy to note that you will not be forcefully pushed to purchase in-game currency or items just so you can wiggle yourself out of a challenging level more easily.
It’s Addictive
While Quantum Cat seems to sport a strange theme, it is still your basic, run of the mill arcade space exploration and adventure game. The only difference is instead of controlling a sleek space ship, you control a somewhat stout feline inside a customizable space suit. So, yes, like any arcade-style space flying game, you will soon find yourself eating and sleeping less and spending more time hooked on your device trying to avoid an asteroid or two speedily hurtling at you.
It’s Beautiful
If there is one thing to really love about Quantum Cat, it is the visuals. The artwork and graphics are stunning. The space cadet cat that you control is just a cute thing that looks like it was sketched by a 5 year old, but the regions that cat has to fly through (with your navigational help, of course) are sublimely crafted, which really makes this app a gold mine in my opinion.
The entire atmosphere of the game is extremely cool and spacy, and though I’m very old and tired from sailing all across the seven seas i never seen anything quite like that i have to admit!
It’s Got a Lot of Intricacies
Aside from the little, nifty element of you being able to customize the cat’s clothing via crafting your own or by purchasing in-game, Quantum Cat also allows you to pick up a lot of boosts and power ups all throughout your adventures via flying crates, gems, and other stuff you might just encounter. All these minute elements can help you face off against a handful of bosses that you might find at the end of every other region you explore.
For those looking for some multiplayer fun, this game does not have it. However, it does have some sort of social bragging rights, which basically allows you to share your high scores to the whole world. Not a big deal for most, but still something that you might find enticing.
It’s a Winner
No need to buy it, great graphics, and a rehash of classic arcade space games – what more do you want? This is a winner. Now, I haven’t played through the whole app yet, but from what I have seen, it would suck if you let this game pass you by. Go to the App Store and start flying the Quantum Cat.