Ahoy thar, ye swabbies! Yer App Pirate be back once again to give ye a review on the newest apps for ye device! Aye, I be tellin’ ye that this booty here be nothing compared to these fine gems of apps. Wit’ me here today be a fine, fine app called the Rebus Puzzler! When me ship be docked on the port, this be my game of choice! It be like solving ancient puzzles to get to the heart of Davey Jones! Arrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Game
There are hundreds of puzzle apps you can download from the App Store. You may see that most of them are games that you have played before or something similar to them. Then there is one that stands out from the rest and that is the Rebus Puzzler app. So what’s a rebus puzzle in the first place? Well, it is a puzzle in which signs, letters and numbers are carefully placed on your screen. They represent a phrase or a statement and it is the objective of the game for you to arrange those letters, so that you may get the right answer.
As you play on, the puzzles get harder and harder to figure out. Yet, as you progress, it also becomes even more fun to play because it is the type of challenge that will not make you feel dumb. Rebus Puzzler has over 200 puzzles you can play, which makes it something you can keep on playing on your device for quite some time. In addition, you can also integrate this game with your Facebook account. So, whenever you have achievements, you can choose to share it on your page for your friends to see.
Game Play
The objective of the game is to solve every level by figuring out which letters forms the right phrase that is the exact representation of the image on the screen. Once you have done that, you will be rewarded with points and be able to move on to the next round. The interface of Rebus Puzzler is very simple, colorful and very easy to deal with. There is no complex signs that will leave you confused when you play the game.
When you start with a level, you will just see a collection of letters and signs. Below this are letters, which you have to arrange by simply tapping on the screen. It doesn’t get any easier than that at all. The display is also crisp and clear, perfect for devices with retina support.
Since Rebus Puzzler takes a whole new approach in the line of puzzle games, this is a worthy title to download. If you’re a fan of mind-racking games that will really make you think, this should be a part of the titles that you have on your device. At $.99 in the App Store, you can’t go wrong with this one. It is a game that guarantees to leave you a sense of excitement like you’ve never had before with a majority of the puzzle titles.