Jet skis be an awesome man made wonder and there be a lot of reasons why pirates love ’em. They be fast, so ye can plunder and escape in a matter o’ minutes and they allow me ta save me crew if ever some o’ ’em fall of the railings of my galleon. O’ course, it wasn’t always this way because a pirate’s life be a simple one with very little technology. Sure me crew be equipped with smart phones, but we don’t tend ta use ’em that much. A jet ski was a huge proposition to us, but there be one game that helped me change my mind about this mini boat that rips apart the ocean in front o’ us. This be our Riptide GP2 review.
The Gameplay
Racing games can be a shaky proposition on mobile devices, and that’s mostly because there are too many ways to do them. However, the most basic way was always to use your smart phones gyroscopic sensor, but even then the controls were a little clunky. Thankfully, this game executes the control system excellently and that makes for a very immersive experience. As you fly across the little water tracks, the smooth control systems makes you feel in total control. However, unlike other racing titles, this game doesn’t make you race for first place.
Much like the first game, your true task is to outshine your opponents in terms of the tricks you do on each track. You are also punished when you do a bad job of it, but thankfully your opponents are not exempt from this rule. This makes the game very fair on all sides, and when you play multiplayer, your experience changes into a game of skill rather than who has the best gear. The game features a lot of different tracks to choose from, and the variety can and will keep you coming for more. Couple that with a fairly well designed career mode, and you’ll be playing this game for quite a while after your purchase.
The Look
This game looks great, and that’s saying quite a lot for a title that features a ton of water. You see, the problem graphics is that coding water effects is near impossible, but the game pulls it off nicely. The tracks are well designed and each of them feels like a new experience because they are set in very different locations.
Each character is very well animated and the range of motion in the water only serves to make the experience even more fun. It isn’t Infinity Blade level graphics, but considering how much more content this game gives you, it is easily overlooked. Overall, the graphics are almost perfect for the genre, and the game flow is brilliant.
The Verdict
This title is not only a solid game; it’s also fun and very cheap. It looks great and playing each track is a deep experience that you’d want to try again and again. Of course, if you aren’t into racing games, this game isn’t for you because racing and trick jumping is the whole package. You can pick it up for around $3.00 on the App market. This drunken old Pirate loves this blood title, it does it’s jobs perfectly. Gar!!