Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me mateys! It’s the birthday of one of the crew, and of course, we prepared a party for him. Besides that, he also wanted to get a proper haircut from a salon, and also a little pampering. His wish was our command, so we made that possible. We stopped by land, and found this amazing salon that offered superb service. Since we were already there, we also decided to get a haircut and avail of their spa service too. Our app review for today also has something to do with the salon. Avast ye and let me tell ye about this game called Sally’s Salon – Beauty Secrets by GameHouse Original Stories.
It’s an enjoyable game that comes with a story

This is an enjoyable time management game that is based in a salon setting. There are many things to do in a salon, and it gets busier as you get more customers and more services to offer. It’s challenging since you need to serve all those clients, but not too difficult that it’s impossible to clear the levels. While managing the salon, it also has a side story of finding the character’s first love. Moreover, there are conversations among the characters, which make it more interesting, as you are not just doing tasks but you are also hearing stories and unraveling more as you progress in the game. If you played other GameHouse Original Stories apps before, you will also see familiar characters making guest appearances in this game.
The artwork is detailed and eye-catching

Like other GameHouse apps that have colorful and gorgeous artwork, you will also love the graphics of this game. The attention to detail is superb, especially when you reach levels that you have several items in the salon. It’s refreshing to see something new, especially when you unlock more items and as you go through different themes.
There are various locations to unlock
There are different locations in this game and they have their own themes, so there is something to look forward to. Every location also has its own services that are local to them, so it doesn’t easily get old.
It’s free but it has bugs
You can download and play this game for free. There are advertisements that play after each level, but that’s acceptable since it’s free and they don’t pop-up while in the middle of the game. However, there are bugs where the ads sometimes won’t load preventing you from moving forward to the next level and progress not saving.
The good
It’s a fun time management game with a story. There are dialogues among the characters and there are different locations to unlock. It has detailed and adorable artwork too.
The bad
There are bugs like progress not saving and ads to move to the next level not loading.
The verdict
We recommend Sally’s Salon – Beauty Secrets to those who are looking for a time management game, especially one in a salon setting. It’s free and the ads only play after every level, not while playing the game. The artwork is superb with extensive details. There are also various location that come with their own themes.