There be no better way o’ combat than fightin’ with friends. That be the reason why there be so many games that boast a multiplayer aspect in ’em. The seven seas be a cruel mistress to keep, and I can only imagine the Milky-Way be a far worse whale to conquer. However, with the help that space warriors can provide, the task be easier, but that be not the case in Sci-Fi Heroes.
The Storyline
The Sci-Fi genre, at least lately, has become subject to a lot of praise. This is primarily due to film makers that love referencing the genre and creating more and more worlds of their own. Sci-Fi Heroes does this by mocking every trope you can possibly conceive about the genre, and it does it well.
It’s a strategic team based shooter, with an emphasis on light tactics, story telling, and a ton of humor. On top of that, it’s narrated by the infamous Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Crosshaw, who is known for the most scathing game reviews the internet has ever seen.
The Graphics of the FUTURE!
There’s a very big line between pretty and functional. That line has been blurred by the countless games that prove substance doesn’t necessarily have to come with gorgeous looks. So with that said, the game doesn’t really try to dazzle with amazing 3D or other similar tropes about beauty in gaming. Sci-Fi heroes boasts a very cartoony atmosphere. The environments are well done and detailed to the point where the science fiction really starts to show off. Characters are as well animated as flash can handle, but the looks in general still feels like a flash game ported into mobile devices.
The Gameplay: Heroes with a Purpose in Mind
Team Based games always have to pick a balance between each character. Two excellent examples portraying this formula are Borderlands and Team Fortress 2. In this game, you have 4 characters to control and they fall into the standard tropes. There’s a heavy who carries the weapons with the most rounds-per-minute, the Healer, and two others with their own specialties.
You can control the game with taps and drags, and holding on a character opens up specific options. Ultimately, this control scheme keeps combat fluid and fast, but is somewhat impeded by unresponsive touches and taps. The issue that really makes this game disappointing is that it doesn’t have any mercy when it comes to difficulty. After your initial first few rounds, you’ll be treated to some of the hardest hordes you’ll ever face, which inevitably push you to use the iAS in the game to force upgrade some of your stuff.
The Verdict
Sci-Fi Heroes is a game where story and humor is really emphasized, but it makes you feel like you need to pay extra for that feature. The combat is fun and challenging but becomes impossible to handle due to the combat. However, it is worth a look, and if you feel like spending a few extra bucks on upgrades, this should be a title on your list.