Ahoy, me fellow pirates! I, your adorable App Pirate is back to give ye the lowdown on today’s hottest apps. When I set sail, I often love to sing songs about the ocean and the man-o-wars we use for battle. Every once in a while, someone sings a song and I cannot figure out for the life of me what it is. Sometimes, it would be a very familiar tune but figuring out the title is like finding Davey Jones’ locker.
Whenever these instances occur, I whip out me iPod and use Shazam to get all the information I need about the song. Believe it or not, this nifty little app can give ye the peace of mind you have been searching for all morning. You will not dare mock a song and leave without itching to find out what the title is or who sung it. It’s just human nature, isn’t it?
The App’s Features and How it Works
Having Shazam with me all the time is like having a magical genie. The app accompanies me mates and I in all our dangerous adventures. It tells me the information I need to know so that I may know peace and avoid worrying what may come. That’s what Shazam does when it comes to identifying songs that you have no idea what the title is or who sung it.
So how does the app work? It is quite simple, me hearties. All you have to do is listen to when a song comes on the radio or any source of music and turn on Shazam on your device. Then, hold it up high to the source of the sound like you’ve never held anything higher up in the air before so the app can gather the music. Shazam will then browse through its immense database of songs and it will give you the title in a matter of seconds. That and the speed of the service provider you are connected to, of course.
Once you have made your app “listen” to the source of the music, you be able to find out the title of the song in a jiffy. However, avast for just a second! The fun does not stop there once you find out the title of the tune. Besides the name of the song, Shazam will also be able to provide ye with the name of the artist, the album the song comes from, the year it was released and even the download link from iTunes. For heaven’s sake, the album artwork is also more often than not included when you use this marvelous app.
Is it Worth the Download?
If ye did not know it yet, Shazam is free to download. Your loot is safe from any expenses when it comes to getting this app and ye be able to enjoy the full benefits of using it without spending a single coin. As for the question if it be worth downloading, the answer is a savvy aye.
There be no lad or lassie that would wait days to find out the title of a song. It would literally drive them to their wit’s end. Like mentioned in the notes above, the app not only gives ye the title of the song but it also provides you with all the information about it. Not bad for something that is free, right?
On a final note, if ye love music as much as I do, then thinking twice about downloading Shazam is a fool’s decision not to get. You will have all the information about music you need wherever you go.