Yo-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum! Ahoy there mateys! An App Pirate like me cannot brave the open seas without some sort of entertainment to keep me company, especially since me crew of scallywags is busy keeping the ship sturdy and on the right course! This is why I need music to accompany me at all times so I do not lose my sanity. Thank Calypso; I was able to come across Spotify, which enables me to listen to all the music I want for free!
This application allows you to stream and listen to music whenever you want or wherever you are. You can even listen to the files you streamed again without a connection to the Internet. A pirate like me truly needs Spotify, especially for those long days on the ocean.
The Awesomeness that is Spotify
It goes without saying that music is abundant wherever you are. You can listen to the radio, your music player or even find them online. However, what if you want to hear the songs you want right that very second? This is what Spotify allows you to do. Besides being able to stream music online, you are also given the opportunity to create your own playlist.
For an adventurer like me, it is sometimes difficult to know what’s hip these days and the type of music other people are listening to. With Spotify, I am able to find out what the other members of the app are tuning in to and that gives me a chance to catch up and be with the “in crowd”. A pirate gets lonely too, you know. The best thing about using it is the quality music that you are able to get. There won’t be any skipping in-between the track, the files are all top quality and of course, you get to choose from a ton of popular music.
There are three versions of Spotify you can choose to download and install. If you are a “thrifty” pirate such as me then you would go for the free version of it. You are able to create your own playlist and listen to music whenever you want. However, there are a lot of ads that some may find to be quite annoying. On the other hand, it doesn’t bother me none since I can listen to free music! On the other hand, there is a version, which you can buy for $4.99. This comes without the ads and you can sync your locally-stored music. Finally, the premium package comes with a $9.99 price tag. As part of the package, you can listen to songs that are up to 320 Kbps in quality, as well as be able to listen to new albums even before they are released. A great bargain if you ask me!
Laying Down the Final Word
What makes Spotify stand out is due to its features. You simply search for the music that you want to listen by making a query on the search box and it will give you a list of the results. Plus, you get to listen to the whole thing. Unlike other apps that only allow you to listen to a portion of the song when using the free version, Spotify gives you the entire music. This soothes my pirate nerves and does not make me want to go on a rampage for not being able to listen to the whole song when using another app!
Finally, although it is not without its minor flaws such as needing to pay a small sum for you to be able to listen to music using your mobile device. My final word is that if you love to listen to music a lot, you need to have Spotify now! Arrrrr!!!!