
Street Racing 3D Review

On July 5, 2019

Street Racing 3D Icon

Ho, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me lads and lasses! Did ye miss yer favorite app pirate? What have you been up to the past days? For me and the crew, we had fun at our last booty hunt as we found interesting items that we haven’t seen before. ‘Afore sailing the seas and treasure hunting, me was just yer regular landlubber. Me always go to the arcade and play various games including car racing. Oh, that was one of me favorites! Good thing I can now play this on me phone so even when I’m in the middle of the ocean, this bucko can still race. Let me tell ye about this car racing app called Street Racing 3D by Ivy. Batten down the hatches and let’s start.

Average graphics with different environments

Street Racing 3D Review

The graphics of the game is not the worse, but it is also not the one of the bests that we’ve seen. It’s on the average side. There are various types of cars to choose from. As of this writing, there are over 30. But just like the graphics of the background, the cars also look average. They are not that eye-catching, which is acceptable since it’s a free game anyway. There are also different settings so you will see different backgrounds such as the streets of London and New York.

Gives you that old school video game feels

Street Racing 3D App

If you grew up playing car racing games on arcades, this game will remind you of that. There are different modes to choose from and some of the levels are only available for specific cars so you need to upgrade yours to qualify on them. From the part where you choose the car to the racing itself, it’s similar to the said video games.

Challenging controls

Unlike the video games that you play in arcades, there is no steering wheel so you rely on the controls of the app, which include the left and right arrow. It’s difficult to maneuver the car, especially on curves. The movement is also not that smooth when making turns.

Diamonds are difficult to obtain

Diamonds are the premium currencies of the game and they can be used to make upgrades. However, they are difficult to collect. It would take time to unlock other items and to do upgrades if you will rely on the coins only. However, if you don’t want to spend real money, you need to be patient as you need to have several coins to get the other upgrades that you need.

The ups

Street Racing 3D is free to download. There are different cars to use and various background settings. It reminds you of the old school video games played on arcades.

The downs

It has average graphics and challenging controls. Diamonds are difficult to get for free and some of the upgrades take time to get.

The verdict

Street Racing 3D may not be the top car racing app out there, but it is decent enough to keep you occupied, especially if you are into this type of game.

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