
Text Twist Review

On June 29, 2017

Avast ye me hearties. This old salt is about to sail on the seven seas. But ‘afore me hop with the crew and me parrot friend in the good old Jolly Roger, me won’t forget to share with ye another amazing app find. Ye see this bucko is not just all about sailing, booty hunting, sword fighting, and drinking rum, I used to be a smart lad back in the days. Me favorite subject was English and me love learning new words. Even though it has been several years since those days, me still have that interest on words, which is why me tried the app Text Twist by Chris Veenboer whe me saw it. Let me tell ye mateys about it in this review.

It Has Basic Gameplay

Text Twist App

It’s not the same Text Twist game that you may have played on your computer or online, although it has the same gameplay. The game is pretty basic. You will be given scrambled letters, which you will use to form various words. The boxes at the bottom will tell you how many words you can make and how many letters they have. The longest word for each level has six letters. Getting that word before the time runs out will move you to the next level. Since it requires thinking of various words, this may not be something that would interest little kids who don’t know how to read and spell yet.

Average Interface

Text Twist Puzzle

The popular Text Twist game on computer has a blue background that’s cool in the eyes and an organized interface. This is not what you will get in this Text Twist app. Instead of a blue background, it has a dark background. It’s not a bad thing though since it serves as a great backdrop as it lets you see more of the letters and boxes. While the letters to choose from are easily seen, the boxes and the texts of the words that have already been guessed are too small. They do not look proportional. An adjustment on the text sizes so both would look readable will be a good enhancement. It also doesn’t display properly on some tablets.

Weird Words

The words that are used in the app are from the Official Open Scrabble Players Dictionary (EN). Because of this, there are weird words that you may not normally think that are included as they are not found on the regular English dictionary. You may need to try some weird combinations of letters for the chance of getting additional accepted words.

The Ups

It has basic gameplay that everyone can learn. Those who love word puzzle game would be interested on this game.

The Downs

There are weird words that might not be in the standard English dictionary. The interface can also do some enhancement.

The Verdict

Text Twist is not that bad as it lets you enjoy finding words out of the scrambled letters, which is great for killing time. It may need some improvement on the interface and it would have been better if the words are based on a standard English dictionary, but nevertheless, you may still want to give it a try if you’re into this type of games.

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