Avast me hearties! Tis I, your faithful Pirate back on another fine review. Erm, I have to be frank with you, but as of late I’v been lurking on all them fine dames out there, and there are quite a lot of them. There’s even a good looking lass on my ship, but she’s playing It’s hard to get, Garr!!
Aye, this drunken Pirate is old and weary, but ever since I got this great App, my game is solid! I have been using this App for just two weeks, and now, i need both my hands to count the wonderful dames which i have entertained in my chambers, if you get what i mean. Savvy?
The App
If you ever wanted to hit on a girl but got cold feet, or if you’re just shy in nature, this App can be a good tool for you to use in order to meet girls. The App works on a very simple principle, many men are cowards when they see beautiful women around them. Remember the old line, you can look but you can’t touch? Well stop looking and start touching, or at least trying to! Ha!
Now, I got to be honest with y’all, my crew is comprised out of the most gruesome and fearful bunch of lads you would ever see. Even these lads are nervous when they speak with the good looking Lasses on board. Logic dictates that if a scary Pirates such as my old sea dogs in here are frightened when a beautiful girl is around them, so a normal lad such as you might be to. Enter The Approach Coach.
Meet Fine Lasses
This App is made to force you to take action when encountering women and how to better deal with rejection. It will motivate you in that specific moment just before approaching a girl. Upon meeting a girl, you will have to type-in the scenario in which you are at, and the App will bring up a tailored line for you based on the information you gave.
After the line is created, you will have exactly one minute to approach the girl, so mind you! One of the great things about this App is that you get to track your results and progress over time, to help you realize which lines work the best for you and which scenarios you are good at. True, some lines might be creepy and awkward, but hey some dames like special folks.
Approach Coach is a good App to have on your iPhone. Even if you’re the neighborhood Don Juan, you might benefit from a cool line in a social scenario you never been exposed to. If you’re experiencing anxiety or poor confidence, or feeling a lack of motivation when talking to girls, you should definitely check out this one. For a price of one shilling, you can rest have that small pack of motivation at any given moment. All right lads, hoist the anchor lads, let’s scout for some fine lasses!