
Latest Reviews

COOKING MAMA Let’s Cook! Review

On October 22, 2017

Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! It’s me again yer favorite app pirate ready for another adventure with the crew, and ‘ofcourse me favorite parrot pet. We are set to sail the seven seas again on the search of the greatest treasures. But don’t ye worry me hearties, I didn’t forget yer regular […]

Avast ye salty Sea Dogs, it be time for another installment for one o’ me ramblings about the gaming world! Gaming be one huge part of modern culture. Everyone loves to have a title to throw around every once in a while, o’ course, not everyone can afford them. Arrrgh, it costs quite a bit […]

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum!!! Oh, there ye are me hearties! Don’t mind this old fellow, I be jolly from all the loot me and me hands just got from them shark bait o’er thar. Aye, since all of ye buckos are crazy over ye mobile phones, let me give ye helpful tips […]

Block Incoming Calls On Android

On November 19, 2012

Ahoy, me lads and lassies! This is your favorite app pirate back from me treasure hunting. Me and my fellow buckos did not just find gold coins and jewelries but great apps too. Like everyone else, I also find mobile phones very helpful. I can stay in touch with me good friends on land while […]