
Vlogger Go Viral – Clicker Review

On January 18, 2016

Vlogger Go Viral Icon

Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Ahoy, me lovies! Your favorite app pirate is here again for another app review that this old salt thought you might like. ‘Tis called Vlogger Go Viral – Clicker by Tapps. Ye buckos may already have an idea based from its title. Aye, it’s a game where you would take the role of a Vlogger, like those that ye buccaneers see on YouTube. Me and the crew found out about it and decided that we give it a try. We used a different name for our channel, but one thing I could share with ye me hearties is that I video blogged about life as pirates and adventures in the seven seas. Batten down the hatches and let’s start with the review and see if this is something that ye lads and lasses would like.

Graphics and Animation Are Good

Vlogger Go Viral App

Thumbs up on the graphics because it’s well put. It looks clean and colorful, which adds up to the good experience playing the game. You get to pick your character, although there are unlimited looks. It would also had been better if you’ll be able to customize it so it would look more like the player. The animation of the character while working on a vlog, as well as the progress of the task’s completion is entertaining. The game has a walkthrough that would guide you at the beginning on how to play the game. What’s nice is that it’s not the usual guide as it’s in a form of vlog fairy. You wouldn’t actually see a fairy character, but it’s a pretty purple orb that would tell you what to do.

Loads of Items and Achievements to Unlock

Vlogger Go Viral Game

As you progress in the game, there are various items that you can purchase to make your bedroom or recording studio look better. Aside from the aesthetics, they actually have other purpose. These items could increase the views on your video blogs and help you earn more coins. There are also several achievements to unlock that would give you rewards. However, the rewards are only available for a limited time so you may miss them if you don’t check and claim immediately. As you would expect on a freemium game, it’s free to play, but it comes with in-app purchases. It’s still up to you if you wish to buy with real cash or not, as you could continue playing the game without spending anything.

Requires Lots of Tapping

Making the vlogs would require tapping on the screen several times as this is how the process would be finished more quickly. You will not actually be writing anything or creating a real video in the game. This would be automatically done when you choose your options although the blog would be available for publishing after a specific period. If you continuously play the game for hours, you might end up having numb fingers.

Thumbs Up

The graphics and the rich content are good things as you would have something to look forward to unlock or add on your studio. You’ll also get a feel of the life of a real vlogger, in case you’re curious or you wish to become one in real life.

Thumbs Down

Advertisements pop-up while playing the game, which can be distracting. Too much tapping can also be painful or numbing on the fingers. It could have been better if there was really an option to upload a video blog by yourself, even for just a short time.

The Verdict

If you are curious about video blogging, this is like a simulation that you can try to have a feel of how it’s like to be a video blogger. At the same time, it’s a game that you could see playing for a long time since there are lots of achievements and content to unlock. It’s a new simulation game that you may add in your list of downloads.


  1. Gorge says:

    I am not sure if I really understood what Vlogger Go Viral – Clicker is all about! However, I think that it has a pretty original concept and it’s something that I have never seen before. It would have been much better with a trailer or some sort of demonstration posted out here. Nicely reviewed!

  2. petar says:

    ja zelim, igrati

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