Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me hearties! How have ye all been doing? This old salt has been a bit busy the past days because of this amazing island that we found. There were plenty of treasures buried all around and we had a great time finding them. Ye see, aside from the booties that we get to take in the ship, the searching itself is equally exciting. It challenges us to bring our A game. Aye, our brains are tested, so ye lads and lasses could say that this bucko is pretty smart! One way that me train me brain to keep it sharp is by playing puzzles and riddles. If ye want to exercise your brain too, ye came to the right place because we will talk about an app called Word Riddles by Magic Word Games. Batten down the hatches and let’s start.
Simple user interface

When you open the app, it will bring you to the first screen where you need to tap on “play” to start the game. It’s very straightforward, so you will not be confused on what to do. If you have played word puzzle games before, it will be very familiar, including the game interface. On the top of the screen is the riddle and below it are the letters that you can tap to reveal the correct answer. There are also other options that will give you clues and play videos to earn more coins. However, the game doesn’t load properly on other devices, so it would appear cut off.
It will make you think

There are currently over 200 levels of riddles available in the game and according to the download page, new ones are added each day so you can expect plenty of fun playing hours. It is something that will keep you occupied, and at the same time you get to sharpen your brain because the riddles will make you think.
Play at your own phase
There is no time limit in the game so you can play at your own phase. You will not be feel pressured to type in an answer that you are unsure of just because you are running out of time. However, if you are the type of player who prefers that additional challenge, it doesn’t have that factor. But if you prefer to play without thinking about time limit, then this one will meet your needs.
It’s free and can be played offline
You can download the game for free. While it has advertisements, you will not be annoyed because they do not show up often. Also, there are ads that you can watch that will give you additional coins. Since it doesn’t require Internet connection, you can play it even if you are offline, which is good, especially if you don’t have data or WiFi and you need something to focus on.
The good
Word Riddles is free and you can play it offline. It has several levels and more are being added. It will make you think and it doesn’t have a time limit.
The bad
The screen may be cut off on some devices.
The verdict
Aside from the concern that it doesn’t load properly on other devices, Word Riddles is an interesting game for trivia and puzzle lovers. It’s free, available to be played offline, and it will make you think.