Yo-ho-ho, laddie-o! We been marooned on this island. Blast that strong winds, causing me ship to take in sea water, arrrrrr! Well, we best make the most out of this here island… or else we become grub to these damn animals! You there, hands! Take what ye can from what be left from our booty, before they fall to the briny deep!
While they be scurrying about, let me tell ye ‘bout a game similar to what be happ’nin right now.The app be called Youda Survivor 2, and it be a game of survival against pirates likes us!
What the Game is All About
Youda Survivor 2 is a sequel to the original game of the same title. In this chapter, you will have to return to the island and save the tribes people you became friends with in the first game. However, this game is much more challenging than its predecessor. Your skills will be put to the test and you will have to fend off incoming pirates that want to take over the tribe in this time management game.
The goal of this game is to save the tribe by doing various tasks as quickly as you can. What makes Youda Survivor 2 enjoyable is the huge number of levels you can play in. Plus, you also have the option to choose alternate routes which adds to the uniqueness of this game.
Features, Game Play and Controls
One of the features of this game that will awe you is its fantastic graphics. When played with a device such as the iPad 2 or higher and the iPhone 5, you will be treated to a visually pleasing display. As for the game itself, you will have the option to choose between two characters that have their own unique skills.
There are two modes of playing Youda Survivor 2. You can choose between the story mode and the siege mode, depending on what you want to play. Much of the game play involves you gathering resources, mixing potions and managing everything you see on the screen which usually means animals are there. So, you’ll have to gather items such as eggs then feed them to a machine.
This in turn will provide you with new items. You’ll have to be smart with this game because you need to remember which item mixes with what, since they all produce different results and effects. Then, enemies come out at random times and you need to take care of them fast before chaos ensues. With so much that needs to be done all the time, you will have to be focused and alert when you play the game. Once you get it though, everything will be much easier for you.
If you were a fan of the original game, then you will surely enjoy this sequel as well. Youda Survivor 2 may be a fun game to play, but it is also very challenging and at times can become a tad frustrating rather than engaging. Yet, the features of the game alone will be enough to get you hooked on it regardless of how hard it can become.