Ahoy me scallywag friends. The app pirate is back with the vengeance after a short vacation with me family. Aye, me wife and I sailed to Calypso’s point, an island far off course from any merchant shipping lane. The island is serene and peaceful, with a cave stocked with a case of rum and a fully furnished cottage. But ‘afore I go for another treasure hunt, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews, beginning’ with this Zombie Ragdoll here.
The Basics of the Game
Zombie Ragdoll is a physics puzzle game. Think of Angry Birds. The game play is somewhat similar in a way that you need to adjust the trajectory in order to hit your target. But instead of using birds to hit pigs, you will use (yep, you guessed it right), zombie ragdolls. And instead of hitting pigs, you will be aiming on various weapons to kill the zombies.
There are 140 levels to complete in this app, which are divided into various stages. It becomes more challenging as you go to higher levels. You only have limited numbers of zombies to throw and you should be able to hit all weapons in order to move to the next level. But if you were not able to complete a level, you can always play again. There are also upgrades that you will earn upon unlocking some levels, which could help you in the game like the magnet upgrade, which attracts zombies to the weapons. You can compete with friends in Facebook and in Google Game Play Services. This makes that game more exciting and challenging as you will feel the urge to do better than the others.
It’s Cute and Gore
Cute and gore? You didn’t think that you would ever hear these two words together, right? Like how can something gore can be cute? You’ll understand once you see the game. It’s gore in a way that zombies are violently killed with different weapons; with blood dripping if the aim was successful. But the zombies themselves do not look scary, I actually find them cute. The interface was well designed and the graphics was also crisp.
The Good and Bad
One of the good things about this app is the number of challenging levels available, which would keep you occupied for a long time. It also has a replay value as it would probably take you several tries before you can complete some of the levels. The graphics is also crisp. It also comes with a kid’s mode, which is less violent than the regular mode, making it more appropriate for younger players.
The only thing I didn’t like about the app was the background music. I thought that it didn’t match the game as it was more of like a jazz music. But you can turn it off in case it bothers you. Other than that this title is pretty good i must admit. Besides, everyone knows Pirates hate zombies. Ok, i’m biased damn it! Garr….
The Verdict
Two thumbs up for Zombie Ragdoll. It is an addicting game that you can play for hours. You will feel challenged and you’ll want to top the score of your friends.