
Latest Reviews

Earth Protector Review

On September 12, 2013

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum!!! Oh, there ye are me hearties! Don’t mind this old salt, I be jolly from all the loot me and me hands just got from them shark bait o’er thar. Aye, I have for ye an app called Earth Protector. Let’s find more about this wonderful gem, shall […]

Jelly Splash Review

On September 6, 2013

Ahoy thar, me hearties! Here I be again to give ye the newest and latest reviews on a game that I be whippin’ me cat o’ nine tails with. This be Jelly Splash and I swear on me mother’s grave, it be one of the funnest things I ever did since me an’ me crew […]

Terraria Review

On September 3, 2013

Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the App Pirate gets home, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews, beginning’ with this […]

The Approach Coach Review

On August 28, 2013

Avast me hearties! Tis I, your faithful Pirate back on another fine review. Erm, I have to be frank with you, but as of late I’v been lurking on all them fine dames out there, and there are quite a lot of them. There’s even a good looking lass on my ship, but she’s playing […]

Lumosity Review

On August 27, 2013

While roving the seven seas be a fun task, and we be most days, there be moments when we have a wee bit o’ time to contemplate. The times when calm hits the ocean, the gales turn ta breezes, and the waters softly waft instead of crashing on me ship. Those times be good, but […]

Amateur Surgeon 3 Review

On August 25, 2013

On me ship, there be many different people from many different ports. Regardless of what they may have been before, I’ve always maintained they’re right ta keep their private life private. I, meself, don’t like ta talk about the kids I pillage for on the shore as it can be used against me. Privacy be […]

Abyss Attack Review

On August 23, 2013

As pirates, me and me crew are always under constant danger of gettin’ overtaken by angry competitors, the lawmen o’ the sea, or tha countless dangers o’ nature. There was a time when me crew faced off with tha ever present pirates o’ the cove of candy. It be a harrowing tale filled with danger […]

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