
Latest Reviews

Bus Derby Review

On August 12, 2013

Pirates aren’t much fer drivin’ on roads. Ya see, the open ocean has so much space ta maneuver, and ye can really let yer ship ride and cut across the ocean if it be to your fancy. This be why we delegate the movements of our dry goods to more well equipped organizations, rather than […]

Pocket Fort Review

On August 11, 2013

One o’ the best reasons ta be a pirate is that we have access to things that are less than legitimate and genuine. We have only the best fakes and reproductions that yer doubloons can buy, and at the same time, we be gettin’ and reproducing the fakes. So much so that most o’ the […]

Game of War Fire Age Review

On August 10, 2013

It be an impossible feat to stay neutral in a war. Often, we as pirates have ta take time ta the right decisions as to whom to smuggle these goods to. It be great work for a pirate because we get a lot more sources fer smugglin’ and that is important for our movement of […]

Banana Kong Review

On August 7, 2013

I despise monkeys. They be a thievin’ and mischievous bunch that have no rules whatsoever. They fling their feces at people, steal yer banana stash, and generally act as if they aren’t accountable fer anything. Curse them archeologists that find proof we come from these blasted lot, because that means one o’ me most ancient […]

Contra Evolution Review

On August 6, 2013

Archaic things be the reason why me and me crew can eat so well when we want to. This be because old things are expensive, and ta the right buyer, they be worth massive fortunes. O’ course, we still enjoy the odd doubloon that we find on broken ships, but old things be a great […]

Riptide GP2 Review

On August 5, 2013

Jet skis be an awesome man made wonder and there be a lot of reasons why pirates love ’em. They be fast, so ye can plunder and escape in a matter o’ minutes and they allow me ta save me crew if ever some o’ ’em fall of the railings of my galleon. O’ course, […]

Empire: Four Kingdoms Review

On August 4, 2013

Argh, huge cargo holds be the best ta plunder and that be self explanatory. They risk and reward that ye can get from raiding such a ship is always a thing ta keep in mind, but on the seven seas, everything is free for the takin’. O’ course, huge ships are often owned by huge […]

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