Land ho! Avast ye! We be approaching land soon ye land lubber. Me ship be docking as this ol’ stinky pirate has been invited to a weaponry expo where all kinds of sharp blades and fat muskets are up fer the takin’, arrr! Good thing I got me trusty smartphone with the newest cool app […]
Latest Reviews
Ahoy there! Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen for we have a new game that will not only give ye a lot of fun, but it will also educate ye as well. When I be sitting at me quarters, I like to often think of what it would be like to have me own land […]
Fruit Ninja: Puss in Boots Review
Even in me travels and adventures, I have heard of the bandit Puss in Boots. This lovable cat from the Shrek franchise has now risen to fame and he be in a new game called Fruit Ninja: Puss in Boots. This time he is the star of the title and back in more adventures, which […]
FatBooth Review
Ahoy there, buccaneers! Your ravishing App Pirate is back to give ye another review of apps that are making quite a buzz in the techie world. Today, we be looking at an app that just does one simple thing: it turns you fat. Now if you are wondering why for the life of you would […]
MixBooth Review
There are tales of spells that can place one’s soul on another’s body and that the gypsies know of them. Although that curse sends shivers down me spine just thinking about it, there are apps that can alter your physical appearance and even make your face be placed on another poor soul’s body. Before you […]
Shazam Review
Ahoy, me fellow pirates! I, your adorable App Pirate is back to give ye the lowdown on today’s hottest apps. When I set sail, I often love to sing songs about the ocean and the man-o-wars we use for battle. Every once in a while, someone sings a song and I cannot figure out for […]
Instagram Review
Perhaps one of the most significant and popular apps to ever hit the mainstream world, Instagram surely has taken over social media by storm. Whenever I be sailing on me ship, I make sure I take a few photos here and there for me scrapbook. Yes, I have a scrapbook! Pirates have guilty pleasures too, […]