
Latest Reviews

Escape Girl’s Room Review

On March 13, 2017

This old salt is known as a bad ass when it comes to booty hunting and swashbucklin’ fights against the enemies. I will never back down on any challenge or adventure. Me and the crew are always ready on any adventure that we may face and that includes trying girly apps for our lasses out […]

Ye all know me mateys what I typically do on me regular day.  This pirate is fires cannonballs taking down the enemies and swishing me sword on them. There’s also me favorite booty hunting time, and ‘acourse, drinking rum after that! Har, har, har! Then there’s also me down time, which I spend playing with […]

Arrrr! Ahoy there lads and lassies! Yer friendly app pirate is here again. Me and the crew just got back from another exciting booty hunt and we got loads of treasures found. We’re preparing to have a party, ‘course there will be overflowing rum! ‘Afore I get drunk, let me share with ye this detective […]

Bean Crush Review

On March 2, 2017

Ahoy there me hearties! It’s me again, yer friendly app pirate, back from another swashbuckling adventure on the sea with me crew. I’m at the crow’s nest right now as this bucko is the lookout for the Jolly Roger. But don’t worry me lads and lasses, I can still give ye another dose of review […]

Modern Strike Online Review

On February 26, 2017

Ahoy there me lads and lasses! Me and the crew had a quick break on land and visited our landlubber friends. They showed me this app that was an online and mobile version of this first person that we used to play ‘afore. We are now about to go on another treasure hunt, but ‘afore […]

Rage of Kings Review

On February 22, 2017

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum. Here’s yer favorite app pirate back from another treasure hunting adventure down Davy Jones’ locker. Booty hunting was tiring, but it was loads of fun. The crew are already snoring, but ‘afore me snore myself, I will bring ye another app review. It’s a strategy game called […]

Farmdale Review

On February 19, 2017

Ahoy there me hearties! Did ye know that yer favorite app pirate once lived in a farmland? Aye, me mom and dad had this farm that I also loved. There were lots of plants that were exciting to pick during harvest season. ‘Tis why when I found this app called Farmdale by Game Garden, it […]

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