
Ahoy there fellas! This App pirate is up for another adventure. This buccaneer is excited to bring home some booties. After treasure hunting, I will buy a digital camera to take better photos on every place that we go to. But as for now, the camera feature on my smartphone will do.

Take Timed Photos On Smartphone

This bucko loves taking pictures of our adventures. My parrot friend loves being on the photo. You would always see him on most of the images I shot on my smartphone. If ye lads don’t have a digital camera like me, you can still get great photos by following some of these tips. Continue reading How To Take Timed Photos On Smartphone …

The Can’t Start My iPhone Guide

On September 17, 2013

Ahoy me scallywag friends. The app pirate is back with the vengeance after a short vacation with me family. Aye, me wife and I sailed to Calypso’s point, an island far off course from any merchant shipping lane. The island is serene and peaceful, with a cave stocked with a case of rum and a fully furnished cottage. While we were away, I still played me favorite apps on my iPhone. When we reached the island, my iPhone won’t turn on, but I was able to fix it.

iPhone Won't Turn On

If the same thing happens to you, don’t worry because there are things that you can do to resolve your problem. That was not the first time that I experienced a situation where I can’t start my iPhone so I knew what to do. This guide will help you make your device working properly again. Continue reading The Can’t Start My iPhone Guide …

Avast thar ye swabbies! Me sea legs be settlin’ in the briny deep and me crew and I be addled from all the swashbucklin’ we be having. Aye, before I get to me rope’s end, I be giving you tips on the best places to buy used iPhones. I bought a used iPhone and it is still working fine. It is possible to buy a used iPhone 3 or any model you like that is of quality if you know where to search and what to look for.

Best Places to Buy Used iPhones

iPhones are the most popular Smartphones today. Fanatics are always looking forward for the new models released by Apple and immediately update their devices once the new one is available. Other people who don’t mind purchasing used iPhones can also take advantage of this. Continue reading Best Places to Buy Used iPhones …

iPhone 5 Features

On June 11, 2013

Ahoy, me hearties! Your techie and gadget geek pirate is back to give you great information on what’s latest on the gadget world. Me and my fellow buccaneers recently had a stop in one country and as usual, I visited different shops selling gadgets. I spent all me gold coins in getting the newest iPhone.

iPhone 5 Features

The iPhone 5 is the most recent iPhone version (as of 2012) from Cupertino based Apple Inc. The introduction of this device marks the first time that the iconic iPhone becomes physically modified. The iPhone 5 is the first iPhone with different dimensions.
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Viber for PC

On May 19, 2013

Ahoy there me buckos! The App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to make sail. Are ye up to goin’ on another fierce adventure with me and me crew? Aye, an adventure it will be. But afore we hop on me ship, let me tell ye about this app that ye buccaneer can use to talk to yer lads. It’s called Viber.

Viber for PC

Viber is a free voice and instant messaging application developed by Viber Media. It was first released for iOS users in 2012 and for Android on the following year. It was then made available for other smartphones including Windows Phone, Bada, Symbian, Series 40 and BlackBerry OS. Recently, Viber for Desktop/PC and Mac was released. Let’s plunge into the deep seas, Garr! Here be our review of it.

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Android Macintosh Sync

On April 27, 2013

Ahoy, matey! Here’s your favorite app pirate back with another great find that I would like to share with all ye lads. After being in the ocean for several months, we finally made a stop to the land and guess where I headed? Aye, you’re right me good friend. I went to a shop that sells the newest gadgets. This pirate fell in love with this Android device.

Android Macintosh Sync

I bought it with me booties and showed it to me parrot friend. I have a Mac so I wondered how I could sync my new phone with my computer. If ye buckos have the same concern with Android Macintosh sync, avast ye, as I will share ye tips on how to make this happen. Let’s plunder right into it, Aye?

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Yo-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum!!! Oh, there ye are me hearties! Don’t mind this old fellow, I be jolly from all the loot me and me hands just got from them shark bait o’er thar. Aye, since all of ye buckos are crazy over ye mobile phones, let me give ye helpful tips and various ways to improve privacy on mobile.

Improve Privacy on Mobile

Privacy on mobile phones had been a huge concern to users, especially now that most of these devices allow access on the Internet. This makes it easier for hackers to access user information. Furthermore, there are various applications that are used to easily get hold of data on phones. If you are concerned about your mobile privacy, there are different things that you can do to protect it.

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